Sick pay supplement Financial security in the event of prolonged illness

What is it about?

It can happen to anyone, at any moment: a sudden illness or an accident. The most important thing is your health; we do our utmost to avert the worst or to make your situation more bearable. The second biggest problem—and unfortunately, also the most underestimated—are the financial cuts that can accompany it. If the continued payment of your salary ends after 42 days, your financial security can quickly be threatened. We do not leave you alone in a situation that is already stressful. On the contrary: we protect you by topping up the sick pay you receive from the health insurance fund after the end of continued pay.

Typical case

Max earns EUR 2,800 gross; net he comes to EUR 1,865. His monthly rent is 750 EUR. After a slipped disc, he has to undergo surgery and then rehab. This means that he is unable to work for a total of twelve weeks. From the 43rd day of illness, he receives reduced sick pay, amounting to only EUR 1,469 net. He is therefore missing out on almost EUR 400 per month, which is a noticeable 21%. With ELATEC topping up his sick pay, his losses are significantly lower and he can continue to make a living as usual.

What do I get out of it?

  • You have fewer financial worries, but more security. After all, your livelihood and standard of living are secured even in a crisis situation.
  • You get more sick pay, because we top up the sick pay to 90% of your net salary—for 36 weeks.
  • If you have a monthly gross income of </= 2,800 EUR (based on a 40h/week), you will receive an allowance of 100% of your net salary.
  • You earn more, and therefore think this doesn't affect you? The sick pay of the statutory health insurance is, at maximum, around 2,980 EUR net per month.
  • Privately insured persons also receive a supplement, provided they can prove a gap in coverage.
  • All employees (with the exception of working students or temporary workers) receive the supplement regardless of their salary.
  • In the case of fixed-term employment contracts, the subsidy is paid until the end of the fixed term.

* The condition is that you have been with the company for at least two years, have an employment relationship that has not been terminated, and have not received a warning in the past two years.

How does it work?

  • If you have statutory health insurance, you will receive sick pay from the health insurance fund from the 43rd day of illness. The best thing to do is to contact HR directly and submit your notice of sick pay there. HR will check the requirements, calculate your top-up amount and reimburse it.
  • If you have private health insurance, please also contact HR directly. Please prove— e.g., on the basis of your insurance contract—that there is a gap in coverage. After that, the procedure is the same as described above.

Still have questions? Just talk to us.

Sabine Thier

Sabine Thier

Petra Härle

Petra Härle

Manuela Wagener

Manuela Wagener

Petra Warth

Petra Warth

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