Health Guide Personal care in case of illness

What is it about?

What if questions remain after a visit to the doctor? Or the proposed treatment leaves you feeling uncertain? Which specialist for which illness is suitable for you? What if you have had a serious accident? To ensure that you are well informed and advised in such a situation, you can call on the services of an experienced health guide. He or she will take care of your personal situation, advise you and look after you. Until you feel better again.

Typical case

Lisa has constant back pain; the orthopedist diagnoses a herniated disc. He recommends surgery. Lisa is unsure whether surgery is necessary and the right thing to do, and calls the health hotline. There, she gets a guide at her side who advises her and offers a second opinion. In the end, Lisa decides to have the surgery. The health guide selects a subsequent rehab for her, applies for it and works out a gradual reintegration. He coordinates all this with doctors and the employer. After just eight weeks, Lisa feels fit and wants to return to her job on an hourly basis; after twelve weeks, she is working full time again.

What do I get out of it?

  • With the help of your health guide, you can avoid illnesses or recover faster.  
  • You get orientation and assistance to choose the right medical measures, at the right time and in the right place. This is particularly valuable in the case of serious illnesses or accidents.
  • Instead of long waiting times, you are helped immediately with psychologically stressful issues. This can prevent burnout or depression.
  • The pilot accompanies you, if necessary, to medical appointments and takes over the coordination with authorities and social insurance agencies.
  • Your relatives will also be supported by the health guide if you become seriously ill.

How does it work?

  • Simply contact our partner reha assist, who can be reached between 8:00 and 18:00 from Monday to Friday: +49 29 32/93 97 53 0 or
  • Please name for identification "ELATEC 095009".
  • Important for you: The consultation is anonymous. In order to stay in contact with you and to be able to advise you, personal information will be requested if necessary, and health data will be transmitted. However, ELATEC does not receive any information about who uses the service, in what form or for what purpose. We only receive statistical data about the number of uses.

Still have questions? Just talk to us.

Sabine Thier

Sabine Thier

Petra Härle

Petra Härle

Manuela Wagener

Manuela Wagener

Petra Warth

Petra Warth

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