Career development Everything is possible

What is it about?

ELATEC is constantly developing. We want to get ahead, together with you! That's why we support you in developing your potential. We are driven by a growth mindset, which means: always being open to new things, seeing learning as an opportunity, and not being afraid of challenges and mistakes. You should tackle challenges, even if sometimes things go wrong. In the best case, we will all be a little bit smarter afterwards. ELATEC supports you in your progress: on the one hand through an open culture, and on the other hand, through structure. You have regular appraisal interviews, a so-called Growth Dialog, in which we look at your further development together and consider where you should go. We actively support you on this path. Of course, this also includes individual continuing training, for which we are happy to spend money. But not only that, because career development is more than just attending a seminar. There is also a lot of potential for development in your everyday professional life—where, with our support, you can work continuously to develop your skills.

Typical case

Next week, Lisa has her Growth Dialog with her supervisor. She wants to go into the exchange prepared and thinks in advance about what she still wants to learn and where her priorities lie. During the conversation itself, the two discuss Lisa's professional development goals for the current year and the specific steps to take to get there. During the meeting, the idea came up for Lisa to accompany a sales colleague to a customer appointment. As a customer service employee, she usually works more in the background. Lisa thinks it's a great idea, because she's sure to gain valuable insights into the work of her sales colleagues, which she can use to respond even better to customers and colleagues. The Growth Dialog takes place not just once, but continuously throughout the year. This way, she feels well supported and full of confidence that she will also achieve her goals.

What do I get out of it?

  • If you have ideas, you can contribute them. And shape something, make things happen. To advance yourself and us.
  • In flat hierarchies and across all levels, you can discuss and implement ideas, contribute your expertise and take on responsibility.
  • You will have discussions with your manager eye-to-eye and will be encouraged to explore new avenues and realize your potential.
  • There is no fixed budget for your individual continued training; rather, you should be able to do what will move you and ELATEC forward.

How does it work?

  • You hold a "Growth Dialog" with your manager on a regular annual basis. Together, you look at your current and future tasks and what your further development should look like.
  • The basis of the Growth Dialog is Growth Mindset.
  • You have two conversations: one about your future goals, priorities and desired results, and the other about defining your further development goals and how your manager can best support you in this.
  • Together you define concrete steps. During the year, you then discuss what has worked well, what is still missing, what the status is and what adjustments may be needed to the agreements made previously. This is because the dialogue is continuous and held in such a way that it always keeps an eye on current needs and supports your development.

Still have questions? Just talk to us.

Petra Härle

Petra Härle

Manuela Wagener

Manuela Wagener

Petra Warth

Petra Warth

Get in touch with us