Mobile Work@ELATEC Choose your workplace: home or office

What is it all about?

COVID has only strengthened a wish of many employees: for flexible working arrangements. With us, you work at least 50% in the office—the rest of the time is up to you! Mobile Work@ELATEC is the name of our model, which takes into account the very personal life situations of our employees. A simple model without too many rules. In addition, we have redesigned our office space to create room for meeting and having fun (key words: foosball, Wii). What matters to us is that everyone enjoys their work and is able to stay productive. You know best where that happens.

Typical case

Max commutes to the office. He takes the bus, which costs him two hours every day. In the morning, he takes his son to daycare. All in all, it's quite stressful. When the handyman arrives or other private appointments are scheduled, Max has to take time off early. Fortunately, that's a thing of the past now that Mobile Work@ELATEC is available. Now Max can also work from home, so he has more time for his child or private appointments—and keeps his days off.

What do I get out of it?

  • You can choose the work location you need at the moment. To work more efficiently, reduce stress and therefore stay healthier.
  • You can now balance work and private life much better. Even if something unexpected happens, you don't have to take a day off or worry about losing time on the way to work.
  • You conserve resources, for example, by not using your car, and you gain more free time.

How does it work?

  • You can choose your work location by the day, by the week or completely individually. You should spend at least 50% of your monthly working time in the office.
  • We take care of each other. This means that you can work safely in the office even during the pandemic, because we have a comprehensive hygiene concept: with tests, masks in the corridors, enough distance, air purifiers, etc. With this in mind, we are currently also moving away from minimum attendance in the office.
  • Participation in Mobile Work@ELATEC is completely voluntary. You can always choose to work in the office.
  • Of course, operational necessities must be taken into account. Please consult your team and your supervisor.
  • The same general conditions apply to all employees and teams. Your manager should actively support the program.
  • Mobile work is only possible if your job permits it. Production, warehousing and shipping, for example, are not suitable.
  • Details on Mobile Work@ELATEC can be found in the HR drive.

Still have questions? Just talk to us.

Sabine Thier

Sabine Thier

Petra Härle

Petra Härle

Manuela Wagener

Manuela Wagener

Petra Warth

Petra Warth

Get in touch with us